Oats, Strawberries & Almond Milk

Oats, Strawberries & Almond Milk

A quick easy to make the night before breakfast to wake up to. Fresh strawberries infused with almond milk, gives you a strawberry milk shake flavor, combined with almond butter, local honey and gluten free oats, you have a tasty yet satisfying start to your day.

Almonds are a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. They contain a number of important vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats. Some of their many amazing health benefits include lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and alleviating constipation, respiratory disorders and anemia. Almonds are also great for hair, skin and mouth care.

According to the USDA Nutrient Database, it is a rich source of energy, fiber, protein, and a number of essential vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Compared to all other nuts, almonds are one of the richest in nutrients and beneficial components.

Calories: There are 529 calories in a cup of almonds which is about 25% of your suggested calorie intake for the day. However, to put it in simpler terms, there are about 130 calories in one ounce of almonds, which equates to roughly 23 almonds. One serving can help increase your monounsaturated (healthy) fat levels, and they contain tons of great minerals too!

There are only 5 grams of carbohydrates in a cup of almonds, which represents only 2% of your suggested daily requirement for carbs. This makes them an excellent food to eat on the go or between meals or scattered over your favorite breakfast cereal!

Fats & Proteins: A single cup of almonds has approximately 30 grams of protein and 71 grams of fat. Almonds contain a high level of fat. However, more than 50% of those fats are in the form of monounsaturated fats, which are good for heart health and are essential for organ function.

Oats, Strawberries & Almond Milk
Serves 4

2 cups strawberries, hauled, I cup diced and 1 cup thinly sliced
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
2 tablespoons raw almond butter
1 tablespoon local honey (to make this dish vegan, the honey can be substituted for maple syrup).
1 ½ cups gluten free oats
¼ cup flaked almonds

How to make:

Take a large bowl and combine the diced strawberries with the almond milk, almond butter, honey and oats. Place on a lid or wrap with plastic and set aside in the fridge, ideally overnight.

The next day for breakfast, remove lid or plastic, stir well and add a little more milk if it feels too dry.

Slice the remaining strawberries and serve in bowls topped with berries, flaked almonds and a little extra almond butter. Enjoy!

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