Shaved Carrots with Roasted Macadamia Nuts, Mint, Basil & Parsley
Shaved Carrots with Roasted Macadamia Nuts, Mint, Basil & Parsley Colorful, simple, delicious! That’s the kind of cooking I like to do with produce that can be fun to put together and is in season, readily available either in your home garden, the local farmers market or your food store. I’ve been a chef for…
Melon & Shrimp
Melon & Shrimp All chefs have a signature dish. This is mine. Simple, elegant, full of flavor, highly nutritious, colorful, and easy to make, it’s everything I stand for as a chef in one dish. I’ve been making this recipe for a decade, ever since I returned from teaching in Singapore. I ate something similar…
Sprouted Wheat Flatbreads
Sprouted Wheat Flatbreads A traditional flatbread is made from dough that contains flour, water, and salt that is rolled into a flat, round shape. Its baked on a stove top and ready to eat in minutes. Flatbreads have been around for thousands for years. In Mexico, it’s the tortilla. In Scotland, it’s oatcakes. In America,…